Friday 17 January 2014

Welcome to EFF!

This is our first blog post here at Eighty Five Films so it's only right that it should be an introductory one. We are an independent British film company currently based in the West Midlands; founded in 2012. We strive to make great original short and feature length films, music videos and documentaries.

We decided to set this blog up not only as a new way to reach out to you, followers new and old, but as a tool to share our experiences within the film-making industry. We are a relatively new company so thought it would make for an interesting read to be able to follow our collective journeys into this fascinating world. Alongside this, we hope to post film and TV reviews, news and anything else that may pop into our weird little minds.

As of writing this EFF have made and released two short films 'George' and '6 seconds to die'. 'George' made on 2011 is a zombie based comedy/horror following an un-dead being in his... Actually we won't say any more instead the link for you to find out for yourselves is here. 'George' went on to win the  ZZUB Fest 2012 Golden Clapper-board award.

Our second short '6 seconds to die' was made in 2013 as an entry for the '666 short-cuts to hell' competition. While unfortunately it didn't win, we still produced a short vampire horror that we are very proud of. The film asks a question and given 6 seconds to choose what would you do? To find out what the question is (we're not going to make it that easy for you) watch '6 seconds to die' here. Keep your eyes peeled on this blog for a further behind the scenes look at '6 seconds to die'.

We have just released a third short, which is our first entry for Film Fights, entitled 'If These Walls Could Talk' and can be viewed here. Like the title suggests the Film Fight asked what would walls say if they could talk, maybe they witnessed a murder or even love. We told the tale of some very old walls who have witnessed some bad things but is there a twist in the tale?

We currently have a few projects in various stages of pre-production at the moment and hope to have some exciting news for you soon!

So the desperate question on all of your lips is "Who are the brilliant minds behind 'Eighty Five Films'"?

Matt Allen 

Matt Created EFF in 2012.

Simon D. Blaney

Simon joined EFF in March 2013.

Geraint-Rhys Hallmark

Rhys joined EFF in October 2013.

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